Ello-hay ere-thay! Ah? What language is that? It’s called Pig Latin. And no, it hasn’t anything to do with Latin. Latin is mentioned here because, when using this pseudo-language, you …
Why Is French the Language of Olympics
Some avid fans of the Olympic Games and the history of this event may already know that, but for less involved enthusiasts of sports, this might be new information. The …
How to Become an Interpreter
The constantly developing mass globalization and the increasing cultural diversity within the American society cause language barriers to arise. There’s a growing demand for a more effective communication system between the …
9 Most Spoken Languages in the US
The United States, one of the largest countries in the world, is the global cultural center. Its population reaches more than 330 million, including multiple nationalities, making the country a …
What are the Best Immigration Translation Services?
Finding the best immigration translation services is not an easy task. These days, immigration has become a prevalent and sensitive matter for many countries. Any error in translation can lead …
Zoom Interpretation Service
Conducting meetings online has become a standard for any international business. Using video conferencing platforms like Zoom to conduct virtual meetings is a much more convenient and cost-efficient way to …
How Is Spanish In Demand in the Business Job Market and in the Translation Services
Globalization and the increasingly internationalized business sector make up the reality of the world we live in today. Nowadays, it’s easy to connect with people from all over the world, …
Will AI Growth Mean an End for Translation Jobs?
Communication is key in the modern world, which becomes increasingly globalized year after year. Companies, businesses, government organizations, and individual people communicate with each other on a daily basis – …
Technical Support for Virtual Meetings
Nobody expected that the COVID-19 pandemic would still be in full swing in the Spring of 2021. The previous year brought up many challenges, and businesses worldwide had to switch …