Case Studies
Case Study #6

The Client:
In this case, the client is the Regional U.S. distributor of Chinese-made, high-end medical equipment. This client represents a well-known brand and is in Puerto Rico to meet with his most important client: a local seller and maintenance expert of said equipment who is very trusted in the local market and who brings millions in sales to the client. In fact, he is a top earner for the company.
The Challenge:
Our client, the regional distributor, only speaks English. His sales and service representative in Puerto Rico only speak Spanish. A new term relationship needed to be negotiated. The client wants this to be a negotiation among friends since they have known each other for a long while. He decides to employ the help of one of our interpreters and have the meeting be an informal and relaxed dinner at a local restaurant.
The Client’s needs:
- Accurate consecutive interpretation and confidentiality.
- The interpreter should be able to match the tone of the conversation as well as work in the ambiance selected (which turned out to be quite noisy).often times Intervening in the back and forth of the conversation should be seamless and the interpreter should be able to manage the conversation between four people (2 people from the client’s side and 2 people from the sales and service representative’s side)
- The meeting is after regular business hours so the interpreter should be available and not in any hurry.
The Lighthouse solution:
- Lighthouse’s interpreters are comfortable and efficient with consecutive interpretation.
- Although the setting, the language barrier, the amount of people involved, and the meeting time and place are seen as challenges for the client, these are part of the daily fare our interpreters manage in an experienced and professional manner.
No matter the situation, when you need reliability, versatility, and confidentiality Lighthouse has the resources and the ability to successfully accommodate your needs. No business is too small or too big. Every client is important to us and will receive the best service available!
You can find similar case studies here.
“I wanted to let you know that your interpreter did an excellent job! She represented your company with professionalism and class. This translator try-out was a huge success for us. We will use her again, for sure. And I say “her” because I don’t want anyone else but that particular interpreter.”