
English dialects

In Blog by Rafael Morel

English is a unique language that has long thrived on diversity, with subtle variations of dialects spoken throughout the United Kingdom and more apparent variations in different parts of the world.

In general day-to-day circumstances, these subtle differences are sometimes imperceptible (for the most part), mostly pertaining to trivial differences in spelling, such as ‘colour’ (UK) vs. ‘color’ (USA) and slight differences in pronunciation, such as ‘to-MAY-toe’ (US) vs. to-MAA-toe’ (UK), for ‘tomato.’

But things get a little interesting when you visit certain areas of the UK, especially for non-native English speakers. The working-class pronunciation of ‘house’ in East End London, for example, sounds something akin to ‘aaz’ – travel just a few hundred kilometers northeast to Newcastle, and that same word would sound more like ‘oose.’

While these variations are certainly nothing to worry about while on vacation in various English-speaking nations, being aware of the variety of dialects among native and non-native English speakers is important in the context of international businesses.

Throughout this article, we will take a look at the fascinating world of English language dialects, investigating their unique characteristics and regional influences before demonstrating why this is something that cannot be overlooked in the realm of global professional communication.

The Variations of English-Language Dialects

The dialects of the English language boast quite a colorful array of variations. With over 160 recognized dialects worldwide, this number continues to grow due to the subtle nuances in pronunciation and delivery shaped by a range of diverse cultures and, more recently, even social media.

As the international language of communication and business, English bridges the gap between people from different corners of the world in terms of trade, commerce, or even in the context of legal and academics. With French commonly referenced as ‘the language of love,’ English has been the worldwide language of business and possibly the ‘standard’ international language for quite some time now.

Within the British Isles, a rich tapestry of language exists among native speakers, each with its own distinct flavor. From the distinctive Yorkshire dialect to the soothing tones of Irish English, the United Kingdom has a surprising range of linguistic expressions. Anyone who has traveled the UK extensively will have noticed the almost jolting nature of accents and dialects shifting from county to county, town to town, or, in some cases, even village to village.

Go further afield across the vast landscapes of Australia, and Australian English thrives with an infusion of local phrases and words into its own unique dialect across the country.

The regional variations of native speakers in these areas contribute to the diverse tapestry of Australian English, which is probably more noticeable when you visit the country. While most people will not be aware of the differences in dialect simply by watching an Australian movie or TV show, it soon becomes apparent if you spend any time traveling around Australia.

American English Variations

American English demonstrates the imprint of regional influences as early settlers stamped their unique tones on different regions. From coast to coast, dialects in the United States bear the hallmarks of historical settlement patterns. The linguistic heritage of Portuguese, French, German, and Spanish settlers intertwines with English dialects, which have created an indelible mark on American speech.

One defining trait of American English is rhoticity, where words like ‘card’ and ‘water’ are pronounced with a distinct ‘r’ sound. Interestingly, the Brits of the 1600s – like modern-day Americans – resoundingly articulated their ‘r’s. The immigrants from regions in the UK unaffected by non-rhoticity brought this pronunciation to the American colonies.

Meanwhile, as the colonies transformed into the United States, the shift towards non-rhoticity had just commenced in southern England.

Because of this, and in many ways, a large number of Americans echo the sounds of their British counterparts from centuries past. Similarly, Canadians west of Quebec, owing to loyalists fleeing north during the American Revolution, share this linguistic similarity.

Another noteworthy distinction between British and North American English lies in the transition to broader ‘A’ sounds in words like path. The early colonists and their English counterparts’ pronunciations have endured in the United States, where ‘paath’ rather than ‘pahth’ prevails.

Worldwide Variations

Beyond the United Kingdom and the United States, English language dialects flourish in various corners of the world. In Canada, for example, Canadian English displays its own distinctive traits, influenced by a wide range of historical factors and regional identities.

One quite notable example of the differences in English language dialects within Canada can be seen in the contrast between Maritime English which is spoken in the cold Atlantic provinces, and something known as ‘Prairie English’ spoken in the more western provinces.

Maritime English is basically characterized by the quirky blend of British and Irish influences of centuries past, with a distinctly recognizable intonation pattern and vocabulary. On the other hand, Prairie English reflects a far stronger influence from American English, with a much flatter intonation and a tendency to drop certain sounds.

Across South America, regional accents contribute to the colorful diversity of English on the continent. New Zealand English represents yet another fascinating variation that may be imperceptible to some, but if you scratch beneath the surface, you will notice a huge amount of variations in spelling, pronunciation, and delivery.

Linguistic Diversity & Received Pronunciation

Dialects of English are more than just differences in pronunciation, with unique vocabulary, grammar, and even culturally driven nuances affecting the spoken word. Received Pronunciation (often associated with the British elite of old and sometimes referred to as ‘Queen’s English’) shirks all regional accents with a uniform tone and pronunciation regardless of location.

Meanwhile, the British ‘West Country’ accent adds its own distinct charm to the English spoken in southwestern England.

English variations are not static in nature. They constantly evolve, influenced by regional contexts, social interactions, and technological advancements. As mentioned earlier, even the phenomena of social media are contributing to a slight evolution in British English, with the Oxford English Dictionary now listing Social Media spawned terms quite commonly.

Essentially, the word continues to get a little smaller, thanks to technology, and with increased global exposure, dialects have the opportunity to diversify further, forging new paths of linguistic expression.

Bridging Languages at Lighthouse

As a translation services company like Lighthouse Translations, it is crucial to embrace the diverse world of English dialects. Understanding the unique characteristics and regional influences of American English, for example, can be paramount to effective cross-border business communication.

By appreciating the richness and intricacies of English dialects, we can bridge gaps between languages and cultures, ensuring accurate and culturally sensitive translations for clients worldwide.

From the diverse dialects within the British Isles and the United States to the variations found in other parts of the world, English dialects reflect the cultural tapestry of each region and must be adhered to rigorously in any professional translation, from standard document translations to more intricate government-related meetings and transcripts, Lighthouse Translations are ready to help.

Bottom Line

Many people all over the world speak English, managing quite well without the need for a precise English dialect. These variations simply do not matter in a casual setting and are usually imperceptible. In any event, American dialects are not massively different from British English dialects, spoken natively – there really isn’t a huge difference between the two.

Regardless of your first language, it doesn’t really matter which variant of English you choose to speak. It only becomes important in certain areas of international business, and in that context, it is important to adhere precisely to those variations.

Lighthouse Translations are able to embrace the diverse world of English dialects in a professional setting, ensuring your message is conveyed effectively while taking into account the unique characteristics and regional influences of your target audience, client, or colleague.

Contact us today to discuss your translation requirements and discover how our expertise in English dialects all over the world can enhance your global communication strategies.