
How to Set Up a Venue for an International Conference

In Blog by Rafael MorelLeave a Comment

Hosting an international conference is a big job that starts with finding a venue large enough to accommodate all of the guests, speakers and staff. When choosing a location, you also have to consider how much room you’ll need for the simultaneous interpreters and their equipment. Language interpreters are responsible for conveying the messages into the various languages spoken by the guests but in order for them to do their job efficiently, everything needs to be set up correctly.

After choosing your venue, spend a little time getting familiar with the layout before you start planning where everything goes. This will help you decide how to set up the venue for an international conference in the most efficient manner.

Where to Place Chairs and Display in a Venue for an International Conference

The speakers will go at the front of the room and the chairs in front of them but how you position the chairs is very important. Everyone in the audience needs a clear view of the speakers, so avoid placing chairs too far to the side or behind any structures that might obstruct their view.

Remember to leave plenty of room for everyone to sit comfortably and leave aisle between the chairs to make it easy for your guests to get to the seats. It’s very difficult to concentrate on the speakers when you’re so close to someone else, you’re afraid of bumping them if you move.

Displays should be at the front of the room and at all exits so your guests can see them clearly. If any of the speakers plan to use a projector to present information, make sure the projection shows clearly on a screen facing the guests. Once you take care of all of these details, you’ll need to set up the simultaneous equipment.

How to Set up Simultaneous Equipment

Before the conference begins, you’ll need to set up the equipment and this requires someone with experience because the location of the interpreters play a major role in how well the conference goes.  These professionals must be in front of the speakers where they have a clear view of the person talking and any material they present on the projection screen.

Normally, you’ll position the interpreters at the back of the room inside a soundproof booth, where they have access to the simultaneous interpretation equipment. Make sure the booths are equipped with video monitors along with quality microphones and headsets that block outside noises and radio interference to avoid distractions. Placing the booths near the exits will help the interpreters keep a low profile.

When space is limited and there is not enough room inside for the booths, you’ll need to set them up outside the room. Simultaneous interpreting plays a major role in how well your guests respond to the information presented, so it’s vital that you make sure the equipment is set up correctly. We will be happy to set up the equipment for you and monitor it during your conference when you use our services.

Every venue is different in some way so take time to go over the layout and follow these tips on how to set up your venue for an international conference. It will go a long ways in making sure your meeting is a success.

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