Technical Support for Virtual Meetings

Technical Support for Virtual Meetings

In Blog by Rafael Morel

Nobody expected that the COVID-19 pandemic would still be in full swing in the Spring of 2021. The previous year brought up many challenges, and businesses worldwide had to switch to the remote work mode. Since face-to-face contact became unadvisable, virtual meetings have become a way to carry out important business operations, with Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, Adobe Connect, Microsoft Teams, and other apps or software rising to popularity as some of the most popular solutions enabling communication.

Even though Zoom or other programs proved to be effective, they’re far from perfect, and many people found themselves struggling while using them. Some are not tech-savvy and confused by so many different options, such as screen sharing, camera angles, backgrounds, and other settings. Still, even after a good year of COVID-related restrictions, virtual meetings are a must. As such, it’s important to ensure that both attendees and people who host online events make the most out of video conferencing platforms and can use the software with ease.

Lighthouse is ready to meet the demands of various clients, from those looking for virtual interpretation services, to those who need technical assistance for online meetings. With us, you won’t have to worry about understanding the ins and outs of video conferencing. We understand that this new technology can be confusing, and we’re here to provide you with assistance and assure your online conversations go as smoothly as possible.

Technical Support for Virtual Interpretation Meetings

Lighthouse specializes in translation and interpretation services. While translation assignments have been done and delivered online for many years, the demand for virtual interpretation meetings arose as a result of the new situation. The world is not slowing down, and our team of experienced interpreters is up to the challenge.

We offer technical support and Zoom hosting for online meetings that need language interpretation. We can provide you with simultaneous or consecutive interpretation services with the help of the following platforms:

  • Zoom 
  • Adobe Connect
  • Go To Meeting
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Skype
  • Webex
  • ZipDX

Zoom Meeting With Technical Support

Zoom was a fairly known app in 2019, but its popularity peaked in 2020. As a video conferencing platform, it proved to serve its function really well. It’s no surprise that many workplaces choose Zoom as their go-to software for online meetings.

We’re ready to provide you with tech support during your virtual Zoom calls. Our experts will show you how to use various features, from chat to screen sharing and giving live presentations. We will also answer your questions and give you tips on how to use this tool to get the most out of your online meetings.

Virtual Meeting Technical Support

Zoom is only one of the platforms used for online meetings. There are also other tools and apps for the same purpose, such as Skype, Microsoft Teams, Adobe Connect, or Webex.  We’ll gladly share our experience with you and provide you with assistance regarding the use of other video conferencing platforms. All you have to do is ask!

Pre-Virtual Meeting Training

Not everyone is tech-savvy, and it’s completely understandable. That’s why we’re here to help! Depending on the platform of your choice, we’ll explain how to use it and help you understand its features. Our tips and comments should give you an overview of what this tool really is about, making you feel more confident during your future events over the web. Feel free to ask about any issues that may come up during an online meeting – we will clear any doubts you might have.

Pre-Virtual Meeting Trial Run

Imagine you’re about to start a meeting and something goes wrong. The screen goes dark, the program shuts down, your camera is not working, the chat window fails to pop up, or your microphone starts acting up. Sounds familiar? We bet you’ve had at least one mishap regarding your chosen platform for virtual meetings, or the meeting itself was delayed due to technical difficulties another person was experiencing.

Our tech support team will help you conduct a pre-virtual meeting trial run to see if your audio and video work fine. We will ensure that your software runs smoothly, and assist you with any technical issues you may have during your trial run. This way, next time you’ll have to go live, you’ll know that everything will go without a hitch.

Pre-Virtual Meeting Check-Up

The software for virtual conferencing and events can be confusing, even after a year of frequent meetings. Updates, new features, and layout modifications can throw many users for a loop. Also, attending a meeting is one thing, but being a host is a completely different story. Chances are you’ll have to give a presentation and host a meeting on your own.

If you’re not sure how to do it and don’t know what your next steps should be, that’s where our tech support team will step in. We will run a pre-virtual meeting check-up with you and ensure you know exactly how to use your online conferencing software, regardless of your role in the online event.

Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

Some of the services mentioned above are among the best practices for virtual meetings, regardless of your area of expertise and the type of meeting you’re going to attend. Here’s what you need to do before you join or host a live video call:

Hire a Technician

Virtual meetings have become a part of the new normal. Even though some people have experience in dealing with video conferencing software, many are not tech-savvy enough to feel confident in handling all of the tech-related issues on their own. Hiring a technician to help you with that is a great solution in any case. A technician has the knowledge necessary to navigate the software of your choice, fix issues, run check-ups, and explain the ins and outs of the features you don’t understand. With expert help, you’ll save time and increase your productivity because you won’t have to take care of your video conferencing tools by yourself.

Check Your Internet Connection

Accidents happen, and people get kicked out of their meetings time and time again. It’s impossible to be 100% sure that you won’t lose the internet connection during your video call. Still, you should check how stable it is before you go live. You can also test its speed. If your internet connection is unstable or it’s too slow, close websites or apps running in the background, and consider upgrading your internet data plan. In case you’re a participant and the host agrees, don’t switch on your camera. Ultimately, make sure you choose the services of a reliable internet provider and have their tech support or helpdesk number at the ready.

Mind Your Camera Angle

You’re most likely using your laptop, tablet, or computer for online events, but you may also opt for a phone. Either way, your device should have a built-in camera, allowing other attendees to see your visual feed. It’s important to set your camera at the right angle – after all, a view from below is one of the least flattering. Still, you’re likely to get this result by simply placing your device on a desk in a lower position.

Try to avoid showing the underside of your face at all times. Instead, adjust your camera angle so that it points directly at your face. You can use a box or a stack of books for a better placement. If there are more speakers during one meeting and you want the event to look more professional, consider getting a standalone camera and pace it on an adjustable stand. Multiple cameras and monitors can also help in regards to the visual aspect of your virtual meeting. Additionally, ensure there are enough light sources in the room.

Remember About the Background

Your background is an important aspect of any web event you’re attending. Sometimes you won’t have to turn on your camera, but when you do, you’d better be prepared. After all, a background sets the tone for a meeting; the attendees know they’re not at the office, but a messy interior is the last thing someone wants to look at.

One solution is to choose a place with a neutral background or clean the space that will be visible behind you during your online meeting. However, some platforms, such as Microsoft Teams, let you choose your own background, or even create one on your own. Remember to keep it as neutral as possible – weird patterns or objects will distract other participants.

Use a Headset

If you’re at home, you won’t disturb others with the sound coming from the speakers on your computer. Another reason why you should use a headset is that the sound may create an echo, or a person talking to you may hear their own voice. Since there’s an auditory delay that causes the voices to overlap, people may be startled, and it’s not really pleasant to listen to it all the time. Also, a headset can greatly improve the quality of your audio, and you’ll hear other attendees better, too.

Assign a Facilitator

When it comes to conversation management, in-person meetings are easier to handle. Even if someone cuts in, they’ll stop speaking and let the other person finish. However, during a heated discussion online, voices may overlap and chaos will ensue. After all, visual cues are much harder to read, and some simply go unnoticed.

To keep your virtual meeting in order, it’s best to assign a facilitator – an individual who will guide and moderate all the talks and questions taking place during the event. Such a person can also oversee the polling system, read comments, and create an atmosphere of collaboration.

Be Prepared

As a participant, you probably won’t have much to worry about. However, if you’re hosting the meeting, giving a presentation, or you’re required to actively participate in your live event, you need to be prepared.

If you’re giving a speech or a report, you can note down the most important points that have to be covered during the event. Download the pictures, have your pictures, videos, and links ready, and make sure they open. Ensure that audio files can be heard as well. You may be tempted to put it off until the last possible moment, but with preparation and effort, you’ll feel more confident, even if public speaking is not your strong side.

Avoid (And Don’t Create) Distractions

Some people feel it’s harder to focus during online meetings because everyone sits in their private space, surrounded by household items, often with family members and pets in a different room. As such, you should avoid distractions, and don’t disturb others. Here’s what you can do:

  • Put your phone away or switch it to silent or airplane mode
  • Use a chat box if you have questions, or signal the host in a non-verbal way
  • Close unnecessary programs and websites
  • Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking
  • If it’s possible, go to a different room to be alone during your online meeting
  • Avoid talking to other people on your phone during someone else’s presentation
  • Don’t interrupt when someone’s speaking – let them share their ideas and wait for your turn

Test Your Technology

Technology, including video conferencing platforms, is prone to malfunctions. However, while you’re not responsible for what everyone else is doing, you need to ensure that things run smoothly on your end. As such, you should test your technology before the meeting. You can, for example:

  • Download or update software
  • Make sure the video works
  • Test your camera and microphone
  • Test the screen-sharing feature (if you’re about to give a presentation)
  • If needed, check the feature for audio and video recording
  • Check the sound
  • Double-check if your devices are charged, and keep the charger nearby

Our team can help you with that by giving you a pre-meeting trial run and performing the check-up with you. Hiring a technician to do this for you is your best bet to ensure that your software works correctly, along with all its features. You don’t have to be a pro yourself – that’s what our technicians are here for.

Put Effort Into Dress Code

You may be at home and not behind your old desk in the office. It’s true that people are most likely to see you from your waist up. Still, opt for business or business casual style – it will make you look more professional, and you’ll feel like you’re actually at work during a face-to-face meeting, giving you a sense of normalcy.

Additionally, avoid wearing bright colours and distracting patterns. Even when you’re sitting in front of your computer, you will feel more professional if you dress like a pro as well.

These are some of the best tips for online meetings. Our tech support team will assist you along the way and help you ensure that during every online meeting and event, you’ll present yourself as a confident, professional participant or host.

The Importance of a Professional Online Meeting

Undoubtedly, online meetings differ from those that happen in-person. However, with the global situation still uncertain, it’s impossible to predict when people will be able to say goodbye to remote meetings for good. For now, video conferences proved to be an effective solution. Then again, online events observed from the screen in the comfort of your home are nothing like the experience of visiting another city, meeting new people in person, and making new connections.

As such, it’s important to create a similar experience to those who’ll be attending your online meetings. That’s why you should be prepared, dress well, and know how to handle the tools you’re using to set up your virtual event. Focus on the parts of your meeting that you can contribute to and control, and leave the technology-related part to us!

Getting Our Support for Virtual Meetings

Our high-quality services are not only widely recommendable, but they’re also easy to book. If you’re interested, contact us for a Free of charge price quote, and we’ll get back to you shortly.