Commonly Used Text Slang Words

Most Commonly Used Text Slang Words and Abbreviations

In Blog by Rafael Morel

In today’s fast-paced world, it is important to convey your message in as little time as possible. Instant messaging has evolved, and typing full sentences with proper grammar is no longer that common. Now, with the rise of texting and social media platforms, a whole new means of communication has emerged — text slang.

Texting abbreviations and slang words are not just about saving time, but they’ve become a way to express emotions without seeing each other. Let’s learn more about the most commonly used text slang words and abbreviations!

A woman in a yellow sweater writing a message on her phone

Key Points

  • Text slang helps people communicate faster by shortening words and phrases, making messaging more concise.
  • Initially popular among teenagers, texting abbreviations and slang have become more and more widely used, even by businesses.
  • Using commonly understood texting abbreviations and slang words in marketing helps brands connect with customers on a more personal level.
  • While incorporating such informal words and abbreviations in their messages, marketers should keep it professional and do it in moderation to avoid sounding ridiculous or even rude.

What Are Texting Abbreviations?

People use texting abbreviations, which are shortened versions of words or phrases, to save time and convey messages as quickly as possible. Another important reason for their rise in popularity was the limited character count in SMS.

Earlier, such text slang was used mostly by teenagers, with their parents often having a hard time deciphering their messages.

Nowadays, text slang and informal words are more and more often used by internet and phone users of any age and even businesses of every size, as they are helpful in building relationships with customers and engaging them in marketing campaigns.

Any contemporary marketer who wants to keep up with the fast-paced language of the future should be familiar with the text slang and use it properly while keeping the right texting etiquette and providing value.

Popular Texting Abbreviations

Here are some of the most popular texting abbreviations, along with their explanations and examples of use:

Abbreviation Explanation Example
LOL Used to express laughter or something funny. “That meme you sent me is hilarious, LOL!”
BRB Indicates that the person will step away for a moment but return shortly. “Gotta grab a snack, BRB!”
IMO Used to share a personal opinion. “IMO, that movie was a bit overrated.”
IDK Expresses uncertainty or lack of knowledge on a subject. “IDK what to wear to the party tonight.”
FYI Used to provide information that may be helpful or important to the recipient. “FYI, the meeting has been moved to 3 PM tomorrow.”
TBH Used to give a straightforward or honest opinion. “TBH, I didn’t really like that new restaurant.”
SMH Used to express disapproval, disbelief, or disappointment. “He forgot his keys again… SMH.”
TTYL Used to end a conversation with the intent to talk again later. “Gotta go now, TTYL!”
TMI Indicates that someone has shared more details than necessary. “Wow, that was a little TMI about your doctor’s visit.”
GTG Used to let someone know you’re leaving or have to end the conversation. “I’m late for my appointment, GTG!”
OMG Expresses surprise, excitement, or shock. “OMG, I can’t believe you got tickets to the concert!”
BFF Used to refer to someone’s closest friend. “Can’t wait to hang out with my BFF this weekend!”
JK Indicates that a statement was made as a joke or not serious. “You’re the worst… JK, you’re awesome!”
LMK A request for someone to inform you about something. “LMK if you’re free to hang out tomorrow.”
ROFL Used to express extreme amusement, stronger than LOL. “That joke had me ROFL – it was so funny!”
AFK Indicates that someone is not currently at their computer or phone. “I’ll be AFK for a few minutes, going to grab lunch.”
FOMO Describes the anxiety of missing an exciting event or experience. “I saw the photos from the party I missed last weekend, and I got serious FOMO!”
TL;DR Used to summarize long messages or indicate something was too lengthy to read fully. “TL;DR: The project is going well. It just needs some more time.”
ICYMI Used to bring attention to something previously shared or discussed that someone might have missed. “ICYMI, here’s the link to the event we talked about earlier.”
NVM Indicates that a previously mentioned thought or question is no longer relevant. “NVM, I figured out the answer myself.”

A smiling man looking at his smartphone

Popular Text Slang Words

Here’s a list of commonly used text slang words, together with their explanations and examples of how they are used in messages:

Slang Word Explanation Example
Lit Describes something exciting or amazing. “That party last night was lit!”
Bae Refers to a significant other or someone you care about. “Can’t wait to see my bae tonight!”
Salty Describes someone who is upset or bitter. “He’s still salty about losing the game yesterday.”
Ghosting The act of suddenly cutting off all communication without explanation. “I thought things were going well, but now he’s ghosting me.”
Flex To show off or brag about something. “That new car is such a flex!”
Stan A combination of “stalker” and “fan” used to describe someone who is an obsessive fan of someone or something. “Even the die-hard stans of this show didn’t like the final season.”
Slay To do something exceptionally well or with confidence. “You slayed that presentation!”
Mood Used to express that you relate to something on a deep or emotional level. “Staying in bed all day is a mood.”
Shook Describes being surprised or shocked. “I was shook when I heard the news!”
Tea Refers to gossip or information, often used as “spill the tea.” “Come over and spill the tea, I need the details!”
Cap Used to indicate that something is a lie or exaggeration. “He said he ran a marathon, but that’s cap.”
No Cap Used to indicate truthfulness or that you’re being serious. “That was the best pizza I’ve ever had, no cap.”
Thirsty Describes someone who is too eager for attention, often in a romantic or physical sense. “She’s always posting selfies, she’s so thirsty.”
Woke Describes someone who is socially aware or politically conscious, often related to justice or equality. “He’s really woke about climate change and activism.”
Simp Refers to someone who is overly attentive or submissive to someone they like, often to a ridiculous degree. “He bought her flowers every day last week, such a simp!”
Lowkey Describes something you want to keep subtle or not draw too much attention to. “I’m lowkey excited for that new show coming out.”
Highkey The opposite of lowkey, used when you are open and not hiding your feelings. “I’m highkey obsessed with that song!”
Vibe Refers to the atmosphere or feeling of a situation or place. “This café has such a chill vibe.”
Savage Describes someone who does or says something bold or brutally honest. “She clapped back at the troll, that was savage!”
Sus Indicates that something sounds suspicious. “She didn’t study at all and passed the exam somehow. That’s sus!”

A closeup on a hand of a person typing a text message

Best Practices for Sending Mass Messages with Text Slang

Understanding consumer behavior can be game-changing for an advertising campaign, so if you are a marketer, you should pay attention to what language your audience uses. If they are commonly incorporating texting abbreviations, you should also include them in your automated text messages to establish a closer relationship with them.

Here are some of the most recommended practices for doing so:

Stick With the Classics

Text slang can be personal, so you should use words and phrases that almost anyone is familiar with to avoid sounding ridiculous or incomprehensible. Stick with the classics like “BTW,” “slay,” or “BFF” so that your messages sound natural without the impression that you are trying too hard to sound cool.

Sound Professional

Even though you are trying to reduce the distance between you and your customers, you need to stay professional. Avoid using swear words and their abbreviations, as they may sound rude to certain recipients. It is best to play it safe and use family-friendly text slang.

Enrich Your Messages with Media

Text messages will be more eye-catching if they feature not only text but also some visual assets. Instead of sending a simple text message, you can go for an MMS and add an image or a GIF. 

It can be something directly related to your offer or a funny meme that helps you build a positive image of your brand.

Don’t Overuse Texting Abbreviations

Using too many texting abbreviations can make your message look like it was written in code. The safest option is to use just one well-placed abbreviation per text message to make it sound natural and more professional.

Keep It Up to Date

Text slang is quickly evolving, and the expressions and abbreviations that were popular a few years ago may already sound outdated or even embarrassing. For this reason, before including text slang words and abbreviations in messages for your customers, make sure they are still commonly used.

A smiling businessman using his smartphone in the office

The Final Note

Text slang has become an integral part of today’s communication, shaping the way we express ourselves in digital spaces. While its primary goal is to make communication faster and more efficient, it also reflects the constantly evolving nature of language, especially in informal and online settings.

While English text slang words and abbreviations are often used internationally, many are specific to a particular language. At Lighthouse Translations, we can help you communicate naturally with your audience, using text slang if necessary. 

We offer business translation services that can help convey your marketing message to potential customers who speak a different language. We can also translate your website, including slang words and abbreviations, to make it internationally accessible. Call us at 1 (877)-261-2495 or send us a message!


1. How does text slang impact formal communication?

While text slang is excellent for informal conversations, it may not be appropriate in formal communication. It’s important to think about the context before using slang, ensuring it suits the tone of the conversation.

2. How can I keep up with the latest text slang?

Text slang evolves quickly, influenced by trends on social media platforms like TikTok, X, and Instagram. Following these platforms, staying engaged in online conversations, and participating in pop culture will help you stay updated on the latest slang.

3. What’s the difference between texting abbreviations and slang words?

Abbreviations are shortened versions of words or phrases (e.g., LOL, BRB), while text slang words are informal words or expressions that develop within specific groups or cultures (e.g., lit, stan). Both serve the purpose of making communication faster and more casual.